Hi , my name is Richard , click on bubbles below to learn more about me!
Are you a student, an early career individual, looking for opportunities to either get your foot in the door of your dream roles or jump start your decades long career or ambitions? With ConnecT, you will able to insulate yourself from anxieties associated with typical job search, and receive only relevant opportunities that you seek.
Target Demographics
College Students, Early career
IOS / Android (Current), Windwos, Mac, Linux (Future)
Free (w/Advertisements)
Want to taste the cuisines of the world, yet cannot actually travel the world? The Future Food Festival has got you covered, with advanced mobile and web integration, online ordering and reservations, paperless admissions, everything is geared for your convenience.
WOWs.Stats is an advanced proprietary data analytics site developed with the game World of Warship in mind, all players across multiple distributed region servers will be able to utilize its advanced statistical and analytical features that form data-driven analysis to improve their gameplay, visualize their progress, and/or compete with their friends and clanmates! Integration includes latest AI LLM features.
Additional Projects
Work Experience
3/15/24 ~ 6/20/24
Working closely with leadership and management, conducting market research, competitors analysis, and designing wordmark / logomark.
Additional Case Study
10/20/23 ~ 12/15/23
An innovative P2P online ecommerce platforms for owners of luxurious vehicles, with low fees and commissions and quality assurance in mind.